Dachshund Patterns
Writen By Angie (Parizo) Baumhover on 6/27/98
This page is copyrighted and not to be used without written permission from Angie Baumhover
DAPPLE - Spots, where some of the colors are lighter, can occur in all colors. The color is usually lighter than the base color. If the dappling occurs in the eyes, the eyes are blue (may not be solid blue.) Dapple is not a carried gene, and one parent must be dapple for any of the puppies to be dapple.

DOUBLE DAPPLE - This only occurs when both parents are dapples but does not mean the entire litter is dapple or double dapple; solid colors can be produced. Must have areas of white on the body for it to be a double dapple. Both parents must be dapple to produce a double dapple.
DAPPLE PIEBALD - AKC does NOT recognize this pattern. This comes from breeding a dapple carrying for piebald to a piebald and from breeding a solid carrying piebald to a dapple carrying piebald. The dog will appear to look like a double dapple even though it is not. Dapple Piebald should be registered as a Dapple. Dapple Piebald's should only be bred back to a solid that does not carry for piebald.
PIEBALD - Piebald only occurs when both parents are piebald or carry it. Areas of full color on a white background, for example, a fox terrier. They may also have ticking (small spots of color in the white field, for example; English Setter.), which may be a few little spots on the toes and muzzle, or the ticking may be heavy. You can have different patterns on a piebald in the spots. Piebalds do not have any blue in their eyes. Both parents must be piebald or carry the piebald gene.
BRINDLE PIEBALD - Brindle and Piebald are both different patterns; however, AKC does accept both patterns on one dog; they are registered as a brindle piebald. This pattern is commonly seen on a red piebald. The base color (red) will have stripes of black with the piebald pattern also showing.
BRINDLE - Stripes all over, looks a lot like a tiger, commonly seen with red.
SABLE - (can only appear in long hair) These terms (especially sable) are often mistakenly used to refer to an interspersion of black hairs on the back and neck over red color. A true sable/wild boar will appear to be black/tan from a distance. The undercoat beneath being red, Sable/Wildboar is a very heavy layer of black over the base coat color. This is an unusual pattern. This is a pattern that cannot be truly labeled until the pup reaches six months of age. Many pups labeled sable/wild boar lose the black overlay and become simply red with no pattern.