Happy Homes
Here is where we post pictures of the puppies/adults we have sold. We love to see how our dachshund babies are doing. So, if you would like to see your baby on this page too, send me a picture or two, and I will gladly put them on this page with our other babies. We want to thank all the people that have sent us pictures.
Happy Homes Pg 1
Bernie is Chocolate/Tan Dapple LH
Now living with the Breyer Family in WI
Now living with the Breyer Family in WI
Annabelle is Chocolate/Tan SH
Now living with the Bradley Family in WI
Now living with the Bradley Family in WI
Willy is Chocolate/Tan LH
Now living with the Hageness Family in WI
Now living with the Hageness Family in WI
Gizmo is Dilute Red SH
Now living with the Froemming Family in WI
Now living with the Froemming Family in WI
is Black/Tan SH
Now living with the Horton Family in MN
Now living with the Horton Family in MN
is Red Dapple SH
Now living with the Anderson Family in WI
Now living with the Anderson Family in WI
Dallas is Dilute Red SH
Now living with the Hicks Family in WI
Now living with the Hicks Family in WI
Sweet Pea is Dilute Red SH
Now living with the Kennedy Family in MN
Now living with the Kennedy Family in MN
Lily is Black/Tan Piebald SH
Now living with the Lilja Family in WI
Now living with the Lilja Family in WI
Gracie is Chocolate/Tan LH
Now living with the Spicer Family in WI
Now living with the Spicer Family in WI
Gizmo is Dilute Red LH
Now living with the Marc Family in WI
Now living with the Marc Family in WI
Minnie is Dilute Red LH
Now living with the Zingg Family in WI
Now living with the Zingg Family in WI
Simon is Black/Tan Dapple SH & Stella is Blue/Tan Dapple SH
They now live with the Johnson Family in MN
They now live with the Johnson Family in MN
Fritz, is Chocolate/Tan Dapple LH & Frieda is a Chocolate/Tan SH
They now live with the Carton Family in IA
They now live with the Carton Family in IA
Lady is Black/Tan Piebald SH
Now living with the Dostal Family in IA
Now living with the Dostal Family in IA
Loki is Black/Tan Dapple SH
Now living with the Domain Family in MI
Now living with the Domain Family in MI
Hazel is Chocolate/Tan SH
Now living with the Whitney Family in MN
Now living with the Whitney Family in MN
Peanut Butter is Chocolate/Tan SH
Now living with the Albright Family in IN
Now living with the Albright Family in IN
Bingo is Cream SH,
He now lives with the Faaborg Family in TX
He now lives with the Faaborg Family in TX
Gwynneth is Red Sable LH, she now lives
with the Wagner Family in WI
with the Wagner Family in WI
Sally is Chocolate/Tan Dapple SH, she
now lives with the Noble Family in VT
now lives with the Noble Family in VT
Cowboy is Dilute Red SH
Now living with the Dostal Family in ID
Now living with the Dostal Family in ID
Foley is a Black/Tan SH
Now living with the Kirchner Family in WI
Now living with the Kirchner Family in WI
Olive is Black/Tan SH
Now living with the Stollmach Family in WI
Now living with the Stollmach Family in WI
Myrtel is Black/Tan Dapple SH & Maybel is Black/Tan SH
They now live with Darrell & Jim in IL
They now live with Darrell & Jim in IL
Roxie is Dilute Red LH
Now living with the Wagner Family in MI
Now living with the Wagner Family in MI
Murphy is Black/Tan LH
Now living with the Thomas family in WI
Now living with the Thomas family in WI
Tiger is Black/Tan Dapple LH
Now living with the Weiz family in IL
Now living with the Weiz family in IL
Norm is Clear Red LH
Now living with the Nicol Family in WI
Now living with the Nicol Family in WI
Ocsar is Black/Tan SH
Now living with the Haertel family in WI
Now living with the Haertel family in WI
Chopper English Cream LH and Willy Chocolate/Tan LH
They now live with the Hagness family in WI
They now live with the Hagness family in WI
Isabelle is Black/Tan Dapple SH
Now living with the Allen family in WI
Now living with the Allen family in WI
Gwynneth Red Sable LH and Emmaline Chocolate/Tan SH
They now live with the Wagner family in WI
They now live with the Wagner family in WI
Hershey is Chocolate/Tan LH
Now living with the Townsend family in ME
Now living with the Townsend family in ME
Max is Black/Tan Dapple WH
Now living with the Wagner family in WI
Now living with the Wagner family in WI
Frankie is Black/Tan LH
Now living with the St Pierre family in MI
Now living with the St Pierre family in MI
Oscar is Red Piebald SH
Now living with the Halford family in WI
Now living with the Halford family in WI
Angue is Red Dapple WH
Now living with the Cyqanowski family in IL
Now living with the Cyqanowski family in IL
Emmie is Black/Tan Dapple SH
Now living with the Pethes family in WI
Now living with the Pethes family in WI
Rusty is Red SH
Now living with the Leighty family in TX
Now living with the Leighty family in TX
Rosie is Black/Tan WH
Now living with the Crocker family in CA
Now living with the Crocker family in CA
Winter is English Cream LH
Now living with the Loy family in AZ
Now living with the Loy family in AZ
Copper is Clear Red WH
Now living with the Brooks family in LA
Now living with the Brooks family in LA
Murphy is Chocolate/Tan LH
Now living with the Dahm family in WI
Now living with the Dahm family in WI
Miss Mirchi is Black/Tan SH
Now living with the Mathias family in WI
Now living with the Mathias family in WI
Reba is Red Piebald
Now living with the Dostal family in IA
Now living with the Dostal family in IA
Summer is English Cream LH
Now living with the Kelly family in IL
Now living with the Kelly family in IL
Klaus is Black/Tan LH
Now living with the Tremaine family in WI
Now living with the Tremaine family in WI
Murphy is Dilute Red SH
Now living with the Kluber family in WI
Now living with the Kluber family in WI
Frankie is Clear Red SH
Now living with the Highby family in WI
Now living with the Highby family in WI
Ruby is Black/Tan SH and Ellie is a Chocolate/Tan LH
They now live with the Werner family in VA
They now live with the Werner family in VA
Heidi is Chocolate/Tan Dapple LH
Now living with the Mckay family in IL
Now living with the Mckay family in IL
Red is Dilute Red LH and Reese is Chocolate/Tan LH
They now live with the Reeve family in WI
They now live with the Reeve family in WI
Kirby is Chocolate/Tan SH
Now living with the Jandrin family in WI
Now living with the Jandrin family in WI
Now living with the Sappington family in FL
Happy Homes Pg 2
Coco is Dilute Red SH
Now living with the Monroe family in CA
Now living with the Monroe family in CA
Nelli is Black/Tan WH
Now living with the Schlotthauers family in WI
Now living with the Schlotthauers family in WI
Willie is Black/Tan SH
Now living with the Van Remortel family in WI
Now living with the Van Remortel family in WI
Jill is Isabella/Tan SH
Now living with the Russell family in NY
Now living with the Russell family in NY
Liam is Black/Tan Dapple LH
Now living with the Moon family in MN
Now living with the Moon family in MN
Roxy is Chocolate/Tan Dapple LH
Now living with the Gessler family in WI
Now living with the Gessler family in WI
Ginny is Red SH and Auggie is a Black/Tan SH
They now live with the Ochoa family in WI
They now live with the Ochoa family in WI
Frankie is Black/Tan SH and Bazil is a Black/Tan SH
They now live with the Borreson family in WI
They now live with the Borreson family in WI
Oscar is Black/Tan Dapple LH
Now living with the Schmidt family in WI
Now living with the Schmidt family in WI
Buddy is Chocolate/Tan Dapple WH
Now living with the Agen family in WI
Now living with the Agen family in WI
Missy is Chocolate/Cream SH
Now living with the Anderson family in WI
Now living with the Anderson family in WI
Myia is Chocolate/Tan Dapple SH
Now living with the Bulat family in MN
Now living with the Bulat family in MN
Penny-Pie is Red Brindle SH
Now living with the Esselman family in WI
Now living with the Esselman family in WI
Oscar is Dilute Red Dapple SH
Now living with the Turner family in WI
Now living with the Turner family in WI
Xavier is Black/Cream LH
Now living with the Radtke family in WI
Now living with the Radtke family in WI
Abbie is Clear Red SH
Now living with the Benhaddou family in WI
Now living with the Benhaddou family in WI
Maggie is a Diulite Red LH and Malcom is a Black/Tan SH
They now live with the Hollaway family in WI
They now live with the Hollaway family in WI
Tiger is a English Cream LH
Now living with the Sable family in MI
Now living with the Sable family in MI
Amilia is a Red SH
Now living with the Rossbach family in Canada
Now living with the Rossbach family in Canada
Baxter is a Chocoalte/Tan LH, Brody is Dark Cream Piebald SH, Boomer is a Chocolate/Tan Dapple LH
They now live with the Hibler family in WI
They now live with the Hibler family in WI
Myrtel is Black/Tan Dapple SH & Maybel is Black/Tan SH
They now live with Darrell & Jim in IL
They now live with Darrell & Jim in IL
Roxie is Dilute Red LH
Now living with the Wagner Family in MI
Now living with the Wagner Family in MI
Murphy is Black/Tan LH
Now living with the Thomas family in WI
Now living with the Thomas family in WI
Murphy is a Red SH
Now living with the Panske family in WI
Now living with the Panske family in WI
Troy is a Black/Tan SH
Now living with the Scotti family in WI
Now living with the Scotti family in WI
Otis is a Red Dapple LH
Now living with the Berndt family in WI
Now living with the Berndt family in WI
Murphy is a Chocolate/Tan LH and Savanah is a Red Brindle LH
They now live with the Dahm family in WI
They now live with the Dahm family in WI
Oscar is Black/Tan Dapple LH,
Now living with the Schmidt family in WI
Now living with the Schmidt family in WI
Maggie is Dilute Red LH
Now living with the Hollaway family in WI
Now living with the Hollaway family in WI
Mylo is Clear Red SH (right side of picture)
Now living with his big brother in the Sisson family in WI
Now living with his big brother in the Sisson family in WI
Simba is Clear Red LH
Now living with the Adams family in WI
Now living with the Adams family in WI
Martini is Black/Tan Dapple LH
Now living with the Kratzer family in WI
Now living with the Kratzer family in WI
Allie is Red Piebald SH
Now living with the Hadler family in WI
Now living with the Hadler family in WI
Ziva is a Black/Tan Piebald SH
Now living with the Johnson family in WI
Now living with the Johnson family in WI
Cleo is a Red Piebald SH
Now living with the Craves family in CA
Now living with the Craves family in CA
Max is a Red Piebald SH
Now living with the Giovannucci family in NJ
Now living with the Giovannucci family in NJ
Martini is a Chocolate/Tan Dapple LH and Olive is a Black/Tan Dapple LH
They now live with the Kratzer family in WI
They now live with the Kratzer family in WI
Sophie is a Chocolate/Cream LH
Now living with the Baldwin family WI
Now living with the Baldwin family WI
Isabella is a Black/Tan Dapple LH
Now living with the Estrada family in Alaska
Now living with the Estrada family in Alaska
Baxter is a Dilute Red LH
Now living with the Kuhfuss family in WI
Now living with the Kuhfuss family in WI
Now living with the Sorrell family
Maddox is a Red Brindle Piebald LH
Now living with the Michelle in NY
Now living with the Michelle in NY
Driver is a Solid Isabella WH
Now living with the Paschke family in WI
Now living with the Paschke family in WI
Barnaby is a Chocolate/Tan SH
Marty is a Cream LH
Now living with the Nistico family in Canada
Now living with the Nistico family in Canada
Happy Homes Pg 3
Fergus is English Cream LH
Now living with the Koch family in WI
Now living with the Koch family in WI
Kai is a Blue/Tan Piebald LH and Zoey is Black/Tan Dapple SH
Now living with the Stefanic family in WI
Now living with the Stefanic family in WI
Barkley is Isabella/Tan WH
Now living with the Payne family in WI
Now living with the Payne family in WI
Herminie is Red LH
Now living with the Westman family in WI
Now living with the Westman family in WI
Bee Bee Gun is Clear Red WH
Now living with the Kocon family in MA
Now living with the Kocon family in MA
Allie is Chocolate/Tan SH
Now living with the Grigsby family in IL
Now living with the Grigsby family in IL
Bella is Chocolate/Tan Dapple SH
Now living with the Shipley family in WI
Now living with the Shipley family in WI
Otis is Black/Tan Piebald SH
Now living with the Stoddard family in IL
Now living with the Stoddard family in IL
Peanut is Black/Tan SH
Now living with the Miller family in WI
Now living with the Miller family in WI
Sharky is Black/Tan Piebald SH
Now living with the Chwae family in WI
Now living with the Chwae family in WI
Ollie is Solid Isabella WH
Now living with the Caughey family in WI
Now living with the Caughey family in WI
Link is Chocolate/Tan LH
Now living with the Hruby family in WI
Now living with the Hruby family in WI
Bijoux is Black/Tan LH
Now living with the Michaelson family in IL
Now living with the Michaelson family in IL
Otto is Black/Tan Piebald SH
Now living with the Plutte family in WI
Now living with the Plutte family in WI
Laci is Cream Piebald LH
Now living with the Hadler family in IL
Now living with the Hadler family in IL
Dunkin is Chocolate/Tan Dapple LH
Now living with the Cruise family in OH
Now living with the Cruise family in OH
Millie is Cream LH
Now living with the Strupp family in WI
Now living with the Strupp family in WI
Captain is Cream LH
Now living with the Roberts family in WI
Now living with the Roberts family in WI
Grizelda is Blue/Tan SH
Now living with the Boley family in MN
Now living with the Boley family in MN
Cooper is Black/Tan SH
Now living with the Thompson family in WI
Now living with the Thompson family in WI
Tucker is Cream LH
Now living with the Kasbohm family in WI
Now living with the Kasbohm family in WI
Deuce is Solid Isabella WH and Bella is Solid Isabella SH
Now living with the Schieder family in WI
Now living with the Schieder family in WI
Squirt is Chocolate/Tan LH
Now living with the Willinger family in WI
Now living with the Willinger family in WI
Bella is Solid Isabella WH and Lucy is Cream LH and Barney is Black/Tan Dapple Piebald SH
They now live with the Castonguay family in NE
They now live with the Castonguay family in NE
Ollie is Solid Isabella WH
Now living with the Caughey family in WI
Now living with the Caughey family in WI
Summer is Cream LH
Now living with the Kelly family in IL
Now living with the Kelly family in IL
Xavier is Black/Cream LH
Now living with the Radtke family in WI
Now living with the Radtke family in WI
Klink is Chocolate/Tan Dapple LH
Now living with the Jewell family in WI
Now living with the Jewell family in WI
Charlee is Black/Cream LH
Now living with the Ziegler family in MN
Now living with the Ziegler family in MN
Phoebe is Black/Tan Piebald SH
Now living with the Shipman family in WI
Now living with the Shipman family in WI