Puppy Supplies
When you get your new puppy home, it's best to give the puppy a little time to settle in. When your puppy first arrives, let the pup sniff around and make itself familiar with the new surroundings. Introducing the puppy into the household should be done with care. This is a difficult and confusing time for your puppy and can be very stressful. Your home is a profusion of strange sights, sounds, and smells that he may find exciting but a little overwhelming. The puppy will be missing its mother, brothers, sisters, and us; the pup will look to you and your family to replace the company, comfort, and security that he/she has left behind. Choose a name for your puppy as soon as possible. Be consistent and use it repeatedly as you talk to the pup.

The puppy will soon learn to respond. For the first few nights, your puppy will probably be restless and whimper and howl when he is left alone. This is normal. Your puppy will stop as it becomes accustomed to its new surroundings.
- Pet food (We Recommend Purina Puppy Chow or Purina One)
- NuVet Plus (Daily Supplement 1-800-474-7044 order code 83113)
- Food and water bowls
- A collar and leash
- A travel crate and a home (such as an oversized travel crate)
- Stain remover for "accidents"
- Brush and comb
- Puppy shampoo, toothbrush and paste
A new puppy is like an infant. They require a lot of quiet rest time, in addition to exercise and playtime. Make sure he gets at least 30 minutes of exercise and playtime each day.
Your puppy will do a lot of chewing while cutting teeth, so be sure to give him a good supply of chew toys and praise him for chewing on them. If he chews on something he isn't supposed to, tell him "no" and give him his chew toys.
Make your home safe for the puppy. Treat your puppy the same as you would an infant. Supervise him at all times. A young puppy will need to urinate after eating, drinking, sleeping, or playing. If he has accidents, don't punish him, but praise him every time he goes to the bathroom in the proper place.
We feed Purina Puppy Chow (Puppy) for our puppies; we recommend keeping them on the food we feed. If you choose to change the dog food, mix your choice with ours and slowly wean them off our food. This change should be made gradually over a 10-14 day period. This will help the puppy/adult's body adjust to the new food.
NuVet Plus has been proven to help increase your pet's longevity and quality of life, along with providing an antioxidant that gives a boost to the immune system and creates a natural defense against over fifty major diseases. NuVet is the best on the market. You can order the NuVet Plus at 1-800-474-7044 (order code 83113)
Feed your puppy the same well-balanced diet. Immediately after feeding him, take him to the area you have selected as a toilet area. Use the same command every time. Once again, praise him when he goes to the toilet area.
Love and respect your puppy. Keep him clean and well-groomed. Have your puppy spayed or neutered if you don't plan to breed him. Provide regular veterinary care. (At least one visit per year) Have your puppy microchipped or tattooed for the best kind of identification. Train him to obey and have good manners. Be sure to socialize your puppy with people and other dogs.